[News] About a week ago, the SUG President released a memo both on his Whatsapp status and other Social media

About a week ago, the SUG President released a memo both on his Whatsapp status and other Social media
platforms, that he has been able to shift school resumption date from the management rumoured September 7th and 14th 2019, to October 7th and 14th 2019.

However, report reaching us today from a reliable source says an authority from the management called the President and demanded he writes a memo debunking his earlier post as the management hasn't changed ground. The authority added that school resumes whenever the management wants not when SUG want.
Basically, the SUG President has met with the Director of Academic Planning and DSA who actually accept his appeal of the 7th October, but VC now objected saying no one should interrupt with the flow of the University's academic activities.
So the known dates for resumption in 2019/2020 academic session is 7th September for 100 & 400L while it's 14th for 200 & 300L.
I am Funai Parrot
About a week ago, the SUG President released a memo both on his Whatsapp status and other Social media

However, report reaching us today from a reliable source says an authority from the management called the President and demanded he writes a memo debunking his earlier post as the management hasn't changed ground. The authority added that school resumes whenever the management wants not when SUG want.
Basically, the SUG President has met with the Director of Academic Planning and DSA who actually accept his appeal of the 7th October, but VC now objected saying no one should interrupt with the flow of the University's academic activities.
So the known dates for resumption in 2019/2020 academic session is 7th September for 100 & 400L while it's 14th for 200 & 300L.
I am Funai Parrot
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